sweet life background

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

VooDoo Temptations

What is it about the VooDoo that causes all sensiblities to fly right out the window. All resolve and fortitude to stay on track, keep within my dietary limits to lose that goal weight, just in that moment I hear VooDoo go POOF! What is it about the tasty sensation of the VooDoo that makes our mouths water and our ability to only eat one dissolve? With most doughnuts they are of course good and a "treat", but with VooDoo these creations are sinfully and eclecticly delicious and the Lays Potatoe Chip chip comerical saying "Bet you can't eat just one!" screams as if on a loop in your brain as you sink your teeth into this eatable piece of heaven.

Seriously. A flavor exposion occurs, the innate fluffiness of the nut itself has the perfect consistency required for the ultimate experience. Then the assorted array of various choices in which these delicacies are topped boggle the mind and when you do decide on the one to which you lay it all on the line for there are never any regrets. Perfection. Every Time.

Now keep in mind that despite my utter lack of self control, this rare and I do mean RARE opportunity to indulge in the deliciousness of the unbelievably gormet doughnut is well worth the momentary lapse and will no doubt result in the acute and desperate need to hit the gym and do an extra hour of extreme intense cardio to work off each insanely scrumptious bite! Nevertheless, I say if you have the chance to let VooDoo Temptations to win you over just remember its well worth ignoring all the "oh no the calories, the sugar, the fat, the blah blah blah crap" PUH-LEASE! If you don't allow yourself to experience something wonderful, especially food wise on what is sure to be the most rarest of occasions then what's the friggin point of life! But hey that's just me.

My first introduction to VooDoo Doughnuts was through a television show called "Man vs Food" on the Travel Channel, and OH. MY. GOD. I couldn't help exclaiming out loud, "Are you serious? Truly?", then waited for my husband to get home and said "baby we have to go there one day soon!" Once I played the episode for him off of the DVR he was in complete agreement. That has always been one of the things I've loved about my marriage, our joined love of food and travel. Heck our Honeymoon consisted of a drive up the Oregon Coast hitting every MicroBrewery we could find and then hoping a hotel nearby had a room for us. Pure bliss the open road and my man.

Desi (my niece) Anthony (my nephew) & Lili
Okay perhaps I need to elaborate for a moment. VooDoo is a little doughnut shop in Portland, Oregon created by two men with crazy ideas for eccentric tastyfilled yumminess topped on America's most favorite of favorites, the doughnut. Garrett and I lived in Seattle and often traveled to Oregon to stay in our most favorite of places, Cannon Beach. We would just hop in the car on a Sat or Sun and drive over for a day at the beach. Picnic lunch, wine, cheese and grapes always romantic, yes? Yes. Sadly though when we did hear of VooDoo lifes obsticles got in the way and it wasn't until we moved and a joint family trip to Hawaii with my in laws presented us with the fabulous opportunity to experience the wonder of VooDoo.

Oh yeah. My sister in law has patroned this establishment before.
No fair!
But HOORAY! She's been there. And they, wait, oh yes try to go every time they are in Portland! Oh sweet beans! Oh Joy! So the plan was set. Upon our arrival homeward from Maui we would stop at VooDoo before we drove the rest of the way home from Oregon back to Southeastern Washingon. What a vacation it turned out to be and coincidentally the best birthday of all time for me! Now I must say that the particular VooDoo we chose was not the VooDoo Garrett and I saw on television. That was when we learned that they are a chain! There are now 3 locations ready to sell these most holiest of holies! LUCKY OREGONIAN BASTARDS! So needless to say in April of 2010 Garrett and I were able to visit and patron one of our top choices of food establishment locations we had become privy to via the wonderfully awesome cable show Man vs Food. Thank you Travel Channel, and thank you Adam Richmond for hearing about and showcasing one of the most awesome of awesomes The VooDoo Doughnut shop in Portland Oregon!

Now why you may be asking am I bringing up VooDoo D when it has clearly been almost a year since I had the pleasure of tasting and consuming such bliss? Well... my hubby just so happened to of been recently within 15 miles of VooDoo D for two weeks and on his last day of out-of-townage stay he lovingly endured Friday bumper to bumper rush-hour traffic to go from Vancouver to Portland's downtown business district so his wife, sister, brother, and their kids could have the splendor of VooDoo! What a man I have! So thoughtful and generous! I wish I would have brought a camera to the restaurant on Saturday night to capture the looks on their faces plus the faces of everyone else in the restaurant as they caught a glimpse of what was in the giant pink box!

Oh did I forget to mention that VooDoo D's saying is "GOOD THINGS COME IN PINK BOXES" and is in fact the 'to-go' box color! LOVE IT! Just simply love it! And perhaps I should mention that one of the shop's signiture doughnuts is a VooDoo Doll. Oh yes, A VooDoo Doll. A red jelly filled maple bar (with out the maple of course) made into a person by slicing the sides giving it arms, which is then topped with chocolate, given eyes and a mouth and immediately stabbed with a pretzel stick to mimic an actual VooDoo Doll! And yes it is as good as it sounds!

But my all time favorite has to be the Captian Crunch Berry doughnut. I swear the height of the thing equals a very tall and qutie large burger, one in which your mouth can't quite encompass to bite completely, if at all! There are of course other cereal flavored yummies you can experience. For instance a new one we encountered was a Chocolate covered cake doughnut topped with Coco Puffs! There is also a Fruit loop doughnut and yes you can taste all the different flavors of the cereal, so good!

 There are many many more and I could go on and on but I will leave you with one last awesome doughnut name and description refered to as The ODB. The Old Dirty Bastard. This is a chocolate, peanut butter and Oreo cookie topped delight! It looks awful and to some may sound atrocious but NO! The words and abbreviaton oh my god and OMG can't even begin to express just how ridiculously good it is. If you remember nothing else just remember ODB serious, ODB, order it and join us over here on the VooDoo Doughnut dark side and revel in utter doughnut elations!

And before I say adieu! Unless you live near or in Portland Oregon and the trek is a short one for you to enjoy VooDoo D regularly the praise and length of this particular blog post may escape you! However, if you don't live close or even if you do and you've never had a VD, if you have the opportunity to stop and try  VooDoo, I say "OMG! DooDoo DooDoo!" And seriously no matter how long the line may be, trust me, it is SO WORTH THE WAIT! And then maybe just maybe you will see my crazy post about a doughnut shop and doughnuts wasn't so crazy after all!

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